Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Project #2

“The Human Figure; re-create a memory”

Visual References –
o The Historical: Figurines of Meissen Porcelain and J.J. Kandler, Victor Schrenkengrost, Carl Walters, R. Guy Cowan.
o The Contemporary: Figurines of Justin Novak, Jack Earl, Patti Warashina, Doug Baldwin, Janis Mars Waunderlich, Katy Rush, Christina Cordova.
o The Mannequin and the work of Cindy Sherman, Sergio Vega, N’Sync (video).
Action Heroes and Max Becher.
Reading - “The Figure in Clay”; read to find your building technique and “Seeing with the Mind’s Eye’; Chapter 4, Varieties of Visualization Experience, authors Samuel and Samuels.

Project Statement:

This assignment is to be based on your own personal history. The figurative sculpture should reference the memory of an important past event in your life (prior to this year). The event you choose is to have had formed your sense of identity. You are to use a human figure or part of the human body to focus on “the heightened moment” within this memory. Your concept is to take form as the key idea within this memory.

The sculpture you create is to be autobiographical in nature. The sculpture can be a physical self portrait. However, since the sculpture will be graded on content or the concept, to fulfill this project you must go beyond a physical portrait to incorporate a real memory and a sense of remembering. The sculpture can be based on an emotion, or it can be a psychological interpretation of your "self". You are to create a compelling image through a figurative sculpture that communicates this memory to the viewer. Use what you remember from your personal history as a springboard to arrive at ideas about how identity is created.

Type of Figuration:

The figure you sculpt is to relate to one of three traditions: (1) the ceramic figurine, (2) the mannequin, or (3) a pop culture action figure.

Additionally the figure or partial figure is to be placed within a context or setting that supports and illustrates the memory; i.e. Alice in Wonderland wouldn’t look small if the buildings around her weren’t big. The sculpture is to be between 20"- 30" in size. Consider issues of scale, relationships within the image, and point of view. You might think about how this idea would be framed through a camera lens or about how it would appear in a film or video.

Images presented will help you develop a personal perspective. The images will highlight sculptors who work with the figurine, the mannequin and action hero.

We will begin with an introductory discussion in class and a few memory exercises. To prepare for this discussion your required reading is: "Seeing With the Mind's Eye", authors Samuels and Samuels, Chapter 4, Varieties of Visualization Experiences. You might consider this assignment a step into becoming aware of methods to consciously visualize!

Who are you and what defines you? We will continue exploring the complexities of memory and perception by viewing of the film “Memento”. The entire film is a series of memories in reverse. Some thoughts... Often memories change. Memories are unique to the person who creates them. If two people experience the exact same thing, recollection will differ according to perspective. Your memory is unique to you and your identity, it is part of what makes you, you. ?????Two readings will be offered which will assist in defining or gaining a perspective on memory, visualization, and identity. The next step is to read the handouts and posted reading.


You are to begin this project with a series of sketches and with a maquette. During a group process critique direction will be given relating to the best process of execution. The process you choose may be coil, slab, pinch, solid/hollowed, utilize molds, or a combination of the above techniques. We will also discuss the proper scale for each sculpture. Should your sculptural idea take form as an intimate work or should it be larger to communicate the content?

When you plan your sculpture it is also suggested that you think about color. Is it to be a polychromed work, or monochromatic? Do you want to use local, naturalistic color, or is color to be used expressively to create emotional impact? Consider historic precedents within the figurine tradition, or use of color in mannequins, or action heroes. Color use is very different in each of these genres. We will discuss color, surface, and glaze in the process critique.

The use of the figure is very popular in contemporary Ceramic Sculpture. Numerous images of these contemporary works will be shown when the project is assigned to aid you in discovering the direction you would like to take. The artists of reference (listed above) and information about their ideas will be included in the slide presentation.

o You will be GRADED on:

Craft - modeling skill, handling of surfaces, handling of finish for instance edges
Design of 3D form -visual imaging/what is shown, figuration style, composition, scale
Concept – how well did you convey memory and identity
Design of 2D – success of color, surface, and any 2D use of imagery
Degree of Difficulty vs. Success – how challenging was your project and how well did you do with its execution

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