Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Clay and Glaze Materials:

The clays we are using in this course can be purchased through UF Ceramics by paying for tickets at the UF Bookstore. Resolute Terra Cotta is $9.25 for 25 lbs (one ticket)., Nan’s Sculpture Clay is $9.25 for 25 lbs. (one ticket). Glaze materials including, slips, wax resist, stains, patinas and pyrometric costs are covered by one materials fee. The payment of this one time materials fee is to be made during the first week of classes at the UF Bookstore. The plaster and other mold making materials (algi-safe, if used) are sold separately and can purchased by the pound through the bookstore.

I will collect tickets during the second class meeting and dispense clay to you to start the first project. Additional clay will be available during class and can be gotten from our Ceramics tech, Ray Gonzalez during scheduled hours posted on his office door. Please arrange to pick up your clay during these hours. It is suggested that you keep any additional clay locked in your locker and that you recycle your used clay for future use. Please ask me if you do not know how to recondition your clay so that you can use it again.


The Basics:
Bound sketchbook, plasticine for maquettes (recommended but optional), serrated metal rib and serrated wooden modeling tool, clay shapers, trimming tool, calipers, light plastic (launderers' plastic), misting bottle, small bucket, cut-off wire, needle tool, fork, small sponge, clean up sponge, fabric (uncoated canvas or cotton polyester blend, or muslin (try Goodwill for remnant or old bed sheets), small container for slip, brushes for finishing and decorating, sur-form rasp, exacto knife, Heat Gun or blow dryer
and * turntable as work surface (Home Depot or Lowes). * Cover with 2' x 2' piece of 3/4" sealed plywood (required) dust mask and respirator to filter organic vapors (try Axner/Laguna Clay or Bennett Pottery or Home Depot).

Specialty Tools (are needed and can be ordered on-line):
1. Kemper Ribbon Sculpting tools (set of 6), available thru Laguna/Axner’s in Florida – 1-800-843-7057, approximately $8.99
2. Sculpture House Wax Modeling tool
Wax Modeling Tool
Item No. SH153 - $14.00 plus shipping

The SH153 wax modeling tool is hand forged and was specifically designed and constructed for use in the delicate art of wax modeling. Also useful for clay modeling and plaster work. Length - 6" is approximate.

3. Michael Sherrill red rib, SMT-R1, $6.00 (also suggest yellow rib same price)

As required for individual projects:
Algi-safe ($12.38/ 1lb.from Your Clay Store),
Moulding plaster ($.51/ 1lb. from Your Clay Store),
Amaco Underglazes – Creative Ceramics in Ocala, website: or 352-237-3562
Duncan or Mayco Underglazes, vintage decals – Frazier Ceramics in Gainsville, 372-1506

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